meet new friends | aka: ingredients
yarrow leaf + root | aka: plumajillo
🌿 In china it is called yi zhi hao, and is not only used for medicinal purposes but the stalk is dried and used in I ching divination readings. It acts as a digestive aid and has a beneficial reputation in women’s health as a uterine tonic.
🌿 Known as a hemostatic, astringent, anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic, and expectorant that resolves dampness and aids in regulating hypertension. Also commonly used to treat nosebleeds, angina, chest pain, shortness of breath, and palpitations.🌿 In homer’s iliad, achilles carried and used yarrow to treat wounds of those around him, thus leading to the genus name achillea. In many Native American healing traditions it is also used for bleeding issues, wounds, and infections.
chrysanthemum flower | aka: ju hua
🌿 Native to the far east it belongs to the aster family. Sometimes it’s referred to as marigold, the names are used interchangeably, but they are different and belong to the same family. In Japan, it is called kikuka.
🌿 A cooling, light, and aromatic herb, it is used in numerous healing modalities. In ayurvedic medicine, it has an association with the head and cools the mind. In western medicine, it has the actions of an antiviral, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, antimicrobial, antibacterial, and antioxidant.🌿 Used for thousands of years as a tea, in medicinal wines, and a plethora of herbal formulas. In t.c.m (traditional Chinese medicine). It disperses wind, brightens the eyes, and clears heat, thus making it a go-to herb for skin conditions and hypertension. It also has a reputation for rejuvenating longevity.
hibiscus flower | aka: ambashtaki
🌿 Originally from Angola, it belongs to the Malvaceae family and has a unique mix of plant acids. It is often intercropped with peanuts when grown, caution should be taken by those with severe peanut allergies when ingesting hibiscus.
🌿 Some studies have found that it may lower systolic and diastolic pressure. It has been used globally, particularly in Iran, to help maintain blood pressure levels that are already in the normal range.🌿 Used in Egypt to lower body temperature, and in Europe for upper respiratory health, and additionally has a reputation for lowering blood sugar levels, cholesterol, and aiding in weight loss.
green apple | aka: sibe sabz
🌿 One of the most common fruits, apples contain vitamin c and potassium. They are also high in antioxidants and contain soluble and insoluble fiber.
🌿 Some studies suggest regular consumption of apples may decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease. This in turn is also beneficial for lowering cholesterol levels and stabilizing blood sugar levels.
hawthorn berry | aka: shan zha
🌿 Belonging to the Rosaceae family, hawthorn berry has sweet, sour, and slightly warm properties, and tons of medicinal uses!
🌿 In t.c.m. (traditional Chinese medicine) it invigorates blood flow, reduces food stagnation and helps harmonize diarrhea and dysentery. It is referred to as Sansa in Korea and Japan.🌿 It is packed with flavonoids, organic acids, and is used to treat tapeworms, intestinal infections, abdominal pain, post-partum blood stasis, hypertension, and supports a healthy cardiovascular function.
cayenne pepper | aka: capsicum
🌿 Belongs to the genus capsicum, in the nightshade family Solanaceae, which includes eggplants, tomatoes, potatoes, and various peppers like bell peppers and jalapenos.
🌿 Has vitamins a, e, c, b6, k, manganese, potassium, and capsaicin. Capsaicin is the active ingredients in cayenne pepper that has a reputation for boosting the metabolism and regulating high blood pressure.
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Supplemental medicinal herb blends. East meets West herbal blends to support the body's natural ability to heal.