Upon arrival you will be given a one-on-one consultation where a past and current health history will be taken. Chinese medicine diagnosis involves taking the radial pulse, examining the tongue, and getting to know you! The tongue representing a “microcosm” of the entire body, and the pulse representing all your internal organs, thus giving a bigger picture in diagnosis. Your acupuncturist may take your blood pressure, temperature, and complete any other relevant physical exams if needed.
After consultation you will be asked to remove your socks, shoes, and other articles of clothing necessary to have access to acupuncture points. For your comfort and privacy you will always be draped or given a gown. You will then be asked to lay on the treatment table and relax! Additional treatment modalities may be used during the treatment, if so your acupuncturist will explain in detail, always ensuring your comfort. Needles are typically retained anywhere from 25min to 45min depending on the course of treatment.
It is recommended to have eaten something prior to your visit and to wear loose and comfortable clothing. Avoiding tongue scraping and eating highly colored food or drink the day of treatment is also advised, as it can hinder the ability to make a proper and complete tongue diagnosis.